Sailing in the Caribbean Trophy and more in the British Virgin Islands

Anke Heesen from the Tourist Board on the island world, including diving spots and dream hotels, and Hartmut Holtmann (KH+P Yachtcharter) on the Caribbean Trophy (Nov 24) for entire crews or individuals.

Sunday 09/29/2024
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Travel & Sailing Center, Halle A3

Anke Heesen from the Tourist Board on the island world, including diving spots and dream hotels, and Hartmut Holtmann (KH+P Yachtcharter) on the Caribbean Trophy (Nov 24) for entire crews or individuals.

This event takes place on the following dates:

Thursday 09/26/2024 11:30 am until 12:00 pm
Friday 09/27/2024 12:00 pm until 12:30 pm
Sunday 09/29/2024 12:15 pm until 12:45 pm

Travel & Sailing Center

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