Avoid collisions with electronic navigation

Peter G. Boot from the Interboot Academy makes optimum use of AIS, CPA, MARPA, Doppler, protection zones, alarm messages and relative and true motion.

Wednesday 09/25/2024
3:00 pm - 3:15 pm
Travel & Sailing Center, Halle A3

Peter G. Boot from the Interboot Academy makes optimum use of AIS, CPA, MARPA, Doppler, protection zones, alarm messages and relative and true motion.

This event takes place on the following dates:

Wednesday 09/25/2024 3:00 pm until 3:15 pm
Thursday 09/26/2024 3:15 pm until 3:30 pm
Friday 09/27/2024 4:00 pm until 4:15 pm

Travel & Sailing Center

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