The right SUP equipment for short trips and tours

Martin Malchus from the Konstanz Canoe Club gives basic tips on boards, paddles and accessories as well as technique on the water

Friday 09/27/2024
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Travel & Sailing Center, Halle A3

Martin Malchus from the Konstanz Canoe Club gives basic tips on boards, paddles and accessories as well as technique on the water

This event takes place on the following dates:

Wednesday 09/25/2024 2:30 pm until 3:00 pm
Thursday 09/26/2024 2:30 pm until 3:00 pm
Friday 09/27/2024 2:30 pm until 3:00 pm
Saturday 09/28/2024 2:30 pm until 3:00 pm
Sunday 09/29/2024 2:30 pm until 3:00 pm

Travel & Sailing Center

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