Aegean Sea for beginners: the Saronic Gulf

Not all areas in Greece are equally suitable for novice charterers. Peter Kollmann-Jehle from Master Yachting recommends a true pearl of the Aegean, without major weather caprices.

Wednesday 09/25/2024
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm
Travel & Sailing Center, Halle A3

Not all areas in Greece are equally suitable for novice charterers. Peter Kollmann-Jehle from Master Yachting recommends a true pearl of the Aegean, without major weather caprices.

This event takes place on the following dates:

Wednesday 09/25/2024 3:30 pm until 3:45 pm
Friday 09/27/2024 1:15 pm until 1:30 pm
Sunday 09/29/2024 11:45 am until 12:00 pm

Travel & Sailing Center

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